One of many cubes of data falling into a larger cubeOne of many cubes of data falling into a larger cubeOne of many cubes of data falling into a larger cubeOne of many cubes of data falling into a larger cubeOne of many cubes of data falling into a larger cubeOne of many cubes of data falling into a larger cubeOne of many cubes of data falling into a larger cube

You focus on the mission.
We’ll take care of the data.

9b provides data and analytics solutions to purpose-driven organizations.

A large cube illustration with smaller cubes falling into it

We think about data so you don’t have to.

9b leverages data to boost your organization’s mission and impact.

At 9b Corp, we align your data to your mission so you can focus on where you’re headed. Our team of experts collaborates with your team to simplify your data systems and increase the effectiveness of your data. We work to empower our clients to make well-informed, evidence-driven decisions.

Work with 9b

Join the movement for a data-driven community.

Let's leverage the power of data together.

We’re on a mission to help 250 organizations in the Tulsa area come together around established research and data that show which initiatives—in which areas, for which communities—demonstrate measureable outcomes. Together we can make informed data-driven decisions that improve the lives of all Tulsans.

Learn More
Image of 9b logo filled into with a photo of the Tulsa skyline

We live in and love Tulsa.

We’re committed to serving at least 75% local and independent clients. Tulsa is our home and the positive impact created by our local clients helps our shared community thrive.

Learn more about 9b

Connecting you with actionable insights

We’re an agile team of subject-matter experts that works with you.

We understand that data can be intimidating. At 9b, our goal is to collect, analyze, and clarify data to solve your organization’s problems with quality insights. Our services are customized to each client and function to help our communities thrive.

A cycle of continuous improvement with four phases: identify, review, plan, and execute

Case Studies

Getting to the root of systemic issues

We wondered whether there was a way to predict eviction rates in
Tulsa County. Using machine learning to analyze eviction data, we identified 36 variables that are common distinctions between individuals who face certain levels of eviction risk. Identifying variables using machine learning is a necessary first step in understanding eviction risk so that we might be able to pinpoint the cause of evictions and address it with quality programs.

Refining your workflow so you can measure your impact

A nonprofit organization that facilitates meal deliveries wanted to
create a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of their program. We
began by reviewing academic research to determine best practices for measuring food insecurity and compared these with the organization’s current data collection methods. We considered program design in our recommendations to minimize administrative burden and survey fatigue. The organization is now prepared to conduct a full evaluation and can be confident that each survey question serves a purpose in measuring the program’s intended outcomes.

Filling the gaps so you can get work done

A nonprofit working with justice-involved individuals was spending a large amount of administrative hours copying and pasting their
client data from a public website to Salesforce. We built an
automation that would import the data they needed to Salesforce on a daily basis. The organization also wanted to simplify the
organization’s Salesforce data model to maximize the tools that they commonly used. We customized default Salesforce functionality for their needs and removed objects that were not being utilized. Through automations and custom fields, the organization reduced the amount of time and effort it took to input data.

Making it easy to share your impact with funders

An education nonprofit organization works closely with local
public schools and wanted to provide them with monthly
reports. By connecting their internal data systems with
Tableau, we created automated functionality to easily produce
visual reports on a monthly basis. These reports serve as a
basis for showing the organization’s impact on student
learning and growth.

Addressing the community's greatest needs

An early childhood education program wanted to create a targeted outreach plan by marketing its services in the areas of highest need. First, they needed to have a better idea of where their current participants were located. Using de-identified internal data, we mapped their participants at the Census tract level, which showed the concentration of participants at each tract. By comparing this with Census population estimates of the target demographic, or areas of highest need, the program was able to focus its efforts in the areas with the fewest participants and greatest need.

Photo of 9b team in a large room during a meeting
The 9b Team

What’s a B Corp?

A ‘for-benefit’ corporation

A B Corp is a business that meets the ”highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose.” [1]

As one of only four B-certified businesses in Oklahoma, we take great pride in our efforts to positively impact not only our team but the greater community around us.

9b’s certification

Want to learn how 9b can help you?

Connect with a 9b expert today and we’ll work together to find the best solutions for your organization.


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